Wagga Wagga Ambulatory Care Play Artwork
These play areas have been treated with the same colour palette and stylistic elements so the narrative artwork from the nearby Children’s Ward can continue.
Project Scope:
November 2020 - March 2021
In 2020, Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) requested we continue the story we started in the nearby Children’s Ward to Stage 3 of the Redevelopment, as part of Ambulatory Care Services.
The objective of the continuation of this narrative is to ensure patient’s who may require multiple visits in different spaces within of the hospital, have exposure to familiar surroundings.
The artwork serves as not merely a backdrop. It has the potential to assist in service delivery by providing a visual resource for both parents and medical staff to support young patients. For example, when administering a needle or suturing a wound, hospital staff can use the artwork as a distraction encouraging the child to count the birds, or see if they can find a certain flower.
Photograph: Play area artwork depicting a rural village landscape, cross-sectioned with an underground wombat burrow, printed on glass etch vinyl substrate and installed onto play area.
“The wombat burrow represents a safe haven. It also communicates togetherness and a central meeting place as bush animals often gather alongside the riverbank. ”
Play area detail: Wombat family
Indication of connection between each character by the use of musical notes was used to symbolise diversity and inclusion.
Play area detail: Mallefowl singing to connect to other animals in wombat burrow.
Artwork in the gym and rehabilitation space encourages and inspires movement, and tells the story of endurance through the eyes of a fox.
A prelude to this scene is presently in the Emergency Department, where the fox faces many obstacles but manages to get through them.
Photograph: Gym area artwork depicting a fox being rescued from an adventure, installed around mirror and workstation.
Those with a keen eye will see the Regional landmarks in the background, with a blend of city and country references to represent the unique Riverina landscape.
Gym artwork detail: Wagga Base Hospital building and surrounding CBD merging into rural landscape.
Photograph: Consultation area artwork depicting a Regional village, installed around a central whiteboard.