Minta Viski Regional NSW

Minta Viski is one team, across multiple locations.

Connected to the rhythms and landscapes of the wide horizons we call home, we bring a unique perspective to every project. Our creative practice is nourished by the natural world we live and breathe - where patience yields beauty, adaptation breeds resilience, and interconnectedness creates strength.

Whether designing arts experiences for health infrastructure, developing brand identities, or communicating visually, we apply the same attentive core values of observation, patience and ecological thinking.

We believe that the most transformative design solutions come to life when we honour the relationship between people, place, and purpose.

By partnering with like-minded co-creators, we build creative ecosystems that support the full spectrum of our clients' needs while remaining true to our regional roots.

Every project is an opportunity to cultivate deeper connections—between organisations and their communities, between people and their environments, between ideas and their visual expression.

Meet Rach

Rach Viski Minta Viski Wagga Wagga

“I live and breathe my creative practice in Regional NSW. I’ve picked the field mushrooms as a toddler, chewed the fat with the people while buying the paper. Bought the show society raffle tickets. I get it. I understand the thirst for humans, not just to tell, but to have others understand their stories. I don a lens of curiosity, I question the typical, dive deeper, and build creative solutions that whirr and hum with the heart of human experience.”

- Rach, Founder Minta Viski

We can also help you to make less of an environmental impact when it comes to your design and print projects.

We’ve got many tricks up our sleeve that won’t cost the earth (pun intended).

Let us explain:

1. The proof is in the printing

When we (must) print, we encourage sustainable paper stocks and limit wastage by choosing the most efficient canvas size and design coverage.

2. Seamless logos

Our logos are created with print and online, big and small, full colour and monochrome delivery in mind.

3. We heart public art

Our public art is co-created with communities - with purpose, meaning and longevity, always telling a story.

4. Caffeinated design efficiency

When creating illustrations and animations, we make sure the same file can be used on multiple platforms, making your job more efficient (with less hair pulling).

We want to leave behind a legacy we can be proud of which is why we choose to work with good people and organisations doing good things.

Here are some of our favourites. 


On Common Ground: An arts festival along the Murrumbidgee

We were so moved from the stories of the swan hoppers of the Riverina, we took this opportunity to pay homage to the black swan’s history into this brand. The distinct tapered form of the black swan’s necks and beaks form the basis of the letterforms, while the boldness of the logo as a whole is indicative of their shape and plumage.

The unique descenders built into the font are characteristic of the black swan’s legs as they paddle under the surface of the water. We also fused the textile element of On Common Ground within the logo, using a swan feather as the texture within the primary logo. A quill was then created from this feather to inscribe the words, ‘along the Murrumbidgee’, making the logo complete both in it’s story and itself.

Chuffed: Charlie realising his drawings were going on the wall in the Children’s Ward.

Chuffed: Charlie realising his drawings were going on the wall in the Children’s Ward.

Wagga Base Hospital: Site Specific Art

Most clinical environments are dominated by hard surfaces and cold tones which can further compound an already frightening experience.

For most of us, this is a foreign environment that we do not generally encounter on a daily basis. By providing something familiar such as a story with colour and relatable characters that would be part of a ‘normal’ everyday environment for a child, we are working to alleviate some of the anxiety and stress that may be experienced during a hospital admission.

Mindful not to overwhelm the viewer, the artwork with the hospital spaces uses geometric shapes which assists with the processing of information. The vibrant Riverina landscape has inspired the calming colour selection and there are several references to local native flora and fauna including the Banksia Marginata –Wagga’s floral emblem, once prolific on the low sand hills in early settlement.

 The artwork itself tells tales cheeky, risk-taking Foxes, a shy mallee fowl and clever doctors and nurses. Whilst at first glance, it’s beautiful to look at, it has been cleverly crafted to encourage deeper engagement. 

The artwork has been designed so that it can be used as a resource for both parents and medical staff to support young patients. For example, when administering a needle or suturing a wound, hospital staff can use the artwork as a distraction encouraging the child to count the number of birds flying out of the tree or discuss the hilarious obstacles the Fox must overcome.

Insights and Perspectives

Thoughtful explorations from our creative practice.

Discover how our connection to the natural world bridges environmental understanding with business outcomes to create lasting impact.